Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unity and Peace

When you look to your left, look to your right, should it be to front or the back. Whether it’s up and down, you can see people with problems, people who cry silently but they never shows it. People who wished life was much simpler. People who pray every night to have a perfect life. But note that no one is perfect, everybody has their own flaws in life. Every body is trying to build up a foundation for themself. Not to get hurt when there is a thunder during the rainy days.



Do you know how Dato Sri Najib, our prime minister has been implementing us Malaysians to follow the concept 1Malaysia. Well I’m proud to tell you that we Betanians proudly follow through that concept. We are proud to say that we believe in a multiracial class, a multiracial country and a multiracial relationships. In Beta, we are all the same inside, but in the outside, we come from different kinds of colours, races and religion. Though we have different kind of ways to communicate, we always come along under the English language. We do not believe in what is known as racism, and a one racial community. :)


And under one language, we communicate with each other, we help each other and we laugh together. Though we may disagree with each other sometimes, but by the terms, “I’m sorry” we always manage to get through almost every disagreement. and when we are at our most sour moments, when we tend to cry, there’s always the term, “Here’s my shoulder and it comes with a cleaning bill” which strengthen the bond between individuals. And after school, how often can we find a community that obeys the 1Malaysia concept? How often can we find a few different colours coming along together talking about life? This is one of the advantages of going to school. Beside making new friends, we can also mix around with different kinds of people, learn new different things, and maybe learn to speak in different language. so I believe that besides learning the school subject, learning to see and feel other people is also one of the reason we come to school.

See, what I am trying to say here is, Beta practice a 1 family concept. we do not believe in abandoning 1 person just because they are different from us. We believe that everyone is equal and deserve an equal treatment from each other. When one of us is hurt, all of us feels it. Beta is 1Class, 1Family, and 1Gaporian. :)

In Beta, we lent our shoulders to each other, and we share our moments together. We are a family and nothing can ever change that. not even when we have our own family. we will always remember the times when we are together because nothing is more unforgettable than a memorable time together :)


Everywhere you go, Your soul will find a home, You'll be free to spread your wings, Fly.

Bai :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Busy week

Yes indeed. Last week(4 April-8 April) was a busy week. The seats in class that used to occupied 42 students, were empty the whole week. More than half has outside activities, and the other less half just seat in class wondering off to space because most teachers weren’t in too, which makes the class a little boring, and silent. Though it makes some teachers feel at ease teaching only a little amount of students, but it still doesn’t feel the same. It feels so peaceful, and it wasn’t so bad. But it doesn’t make a Beta. I remembered last year, Cikgu Anita said Beta was traditionally the most active class in the science stream. haha :)

Rodney, Debbie, Hui Sze, Catherine, Li Fei, Laura, Keith, Kelly, Tommy, Syamsul, Max, Chan Lek Heng, Nicollette, Kelvin Bejang, Radin Emi, Charlston, Soon Wai Keong, Jasmine, Farhani, Voon Ying Kian. (names are according to seats. sorry if I miss any names)

These were the people that barely is in class. Let it be, drama practice/competition, debate competition/practice, softball, netball, bastketball, football and all kinds balls, these were the events that all happen in a week. I bet last week must be the most tiring week for them. One after another activity.
Well, today is Sunday(10 April), and tomorrow is a school day, Monday to be precise. And with all the less sleeps, and wanting more Saturday, and the need to sing Friday(by Rebecca Black) on Friday, let’s just hope everything will be okay and less tiring this week.

The exams are coming up! in 2 more weeks. Don’t forget to study ;)

Which reminds me this year is the year of SPM, and than, what will happen to all of us? Separating and walking in different paths. Moving away and holding more responsibility. This is the last year Beta! Let’s make more history this year before school ends so we don’t regret, so school life will be much more meaningful and when we reminisce back in future, we’ll be saying, “ahhh. good times good times. have fun and try to always make memorable history kids!” instead of “poor kids had to endure the pain I had when I was in school. my boring boring school life” :)

Well, enough craps from me. Need to go to do something meaningful. Bai kids ^^